Step 1/3: Ordering ticketsSend us a messageNederlands English Français

Select simple, fast and secure the amount of admission tickets for the event ‘Grote Vergadering’ van Gents Kunstenoverleg, which takes place on 1 July 2021 from 19:00h till 23:00h.

Further information about the event can be found on and pass on the message to your friends

The online ticketsale for ‘Grote Vergadering’ van Gents Kunstenoverleg has been closed.


Grote VergaderingTicket info€ 5,00€ 0,00
Total amount (€): 


Available payment methods: Available payment methodsBelgian banks:
ArgentaAXABNP Paribas FortisBelfiusINGKBCBancontact / Mister Cash

Dutch banks:
Abn AmroASNDeutsche BankFrieslandINGRabobankRBSSNSTriodosVanLanschotIdeal

International payment methods:
MastercardVisaSEPA (IBAN)